Two Overdue Recommendations…

One of the purposes of this blog (which was reminded to me through reflection on the last post, My Blogging Story…, thanks to #EdublogsClub) is to recommend tools which I come across and use with teachers. A little peak behind the curtain, so to say, of ‘A Tech Perspective…’ is how I utilize Google Keep to (for lack of a more creative word) keep track of blog post ideas.

This posting is one which is over due. I have two tools which I have used with different teachers that: were successful, easy to use, and facilitated a need they had.


If you haven’t seen, heard, or tried Recap, you must. This is a free platform where teachers are able to pose question(s), either typed or video recorded, and students record their response in video format. The teacher is able to designate a specific amount of time they have to record their response (holds students accountable to be clear and concise). These recordings are then stored in an easy to access spot for the teacher to view and comment back. The teacher can also get a link to the “daily reel” (collection of video submissions) which they could then send to students or post in Google Classroom for the students to view.

Backchannel Chat

The second tool I was asked about was something:

  • free
  • easy to setup and maintain
  • would facilitate online discussion during a socratic circle

I recommended  Named perfectly, it is a back channeling tool, similar to Today’s Meet, but in my opinion, more powerful for the teacher. As the teacher, I create a free account, setup the space, have the students go to the site and type in their name and the room code, that’s it. During the chat, I have the ability to mute anyone who misbehaves, lock the chat so I can gain everyone’s attention, and even pin posts to the top for easy reference.

Here are two (or rather three if you count Google Keep) tools which you can add to your toolbox.

Have you tried either of these tools or is there a new tool you have discovered which others could benefit using? Please share in the comments below.

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