Category: Projects/Activities

Posts in this category describe projects I have assisted in and feel are good examples of technology integration.

More With Forms, Sheets, & Add-ons…

I’ve had my mind on Forms a lot lately. Assisted a teacher with setting up Parent/Teacher conferences using Forms, Choice Eliminator add-on, and confirmation emails using formMule add-on. Then I joined an 8th Grade Team meeting. Prior to the agenda…

Biz World Commerical

Third graders are engaging, at the end of the school year, in an entrepreneur group project called Biz World. They form ‘companies’; select jobs like CEO or VP of Marketing; produce a product; pitch to investors; apply for loans; advertise; and much more. In addition to participating as a Venture Capitalist or Loan Manager, I was also ‘hired’ as Commercial Producer. I worked with students on concepts of product placement, slogans, ‘celebrity’ endorsements, etc. Once students are finished editing their productions, I hope to be able to add some of them on here. Below is the commercial I directed, did voice-over work & produced to play during the school’s morning news show a couple of times prior to the third graders’ sale.

Take a Road Trip using a Green Screen

After some students completed a Social Studies unit on the Northeast Region of the United States, the classroom teacher and I wanted them to pick five locations to “visit”.  Using a few apps: Comic Life, Green Screen, LayerPic HD, and…

100th Day of School

About a week ago we, celebrated the 100th day of school. On the 101st day I ran into a third grade colleague who described a surprise he did for his students. He had head shots of his students for their…

#ettiPad eBook Contributions

Earlier this past month, I saw a tweet asking for contributions from teachers using iPads. So I thought I would try submitting a couple ideas. I have never contributed to an eBook before, but I would definitely do it again.…

Student Creativity

Volcano Group

I recently was working with a second grade class on creating non-fiction informational presentations. The class was organized into six groups where they chose a topic of interest. Volcanoes, Dinosaurs, Planets, Football, Lizards, and Dolphins were the main ideas. They…

A Heritage Project Idea

This was originally posted on the ThingLink Blog For the last several weeks, I have been working with third grade teachers and their students on their heritage project. As part of their social studies curriculum, the students researched their family’s…

Personal Wins!

I felt that I needed to brag a little. Actually, come to think of it, as educators, we don’t celebrate our personal wins that often. Case in point, I went into one class this week and was assisting a teacher…