Motivating Attendance to PD through Scratch Offs

I’ve been trying to figure out different ways to get more teachers to come out for PD sessions. My most recent attempt was… bribery!

I read a blog post a while back on how to create DIY (do-it-yourself) scratch offs. They are quite simple to make:

  • Paper
  • Clear contact paper or Clear packing tape
  • Silver paint
  • Dish soap

I had, from my elementary classroom teacher days, a square punch-out (similar to this) which I used to cut out squares of clear contact paper. The Google Drawing embedded below was a template I used for the scratch offs. Want your own copy?

I place the clear contact paper over the grey section of the scratch off then mix equal parts of paint and dish soap. I apply that (2-3 coats) on the contact paper and when dry it will act as a scratch off. This means they are reusable!

I reached out to my building admin for some prizes like their parking spots, Dippin’ Dots, I have a box of swag items collected from various conferences, and recently we purchased 20 dongles for our chromebooks. All of these are potential winning prizes.

My last PD session in November, I announced that each attendee would receive a scratch off for attending and at the end of the session they would see if/what they won. Check out the last slide from the presentation (I love the gifs)

What have you received to tried to do to boost attendance to voluntary PD events? I would love to find out in the comments below.

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