Popular Culture… #EdublogsClub

This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and educational technology enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it (via social media w/ #edublogsclub or posting a link as a comment to that topic’s posting on the Edublogger site) to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt. 

Prompt: Write a post about using popular culture in the classroom.
Some questions to jumpstart your thinking:

  • What kind of popular culture do you bring into the classroom? How do you use it?
  • Do you have any comic books or graphic novel favorites that you use for reading and textual analysis? Why do you choose those?
  • What are your favorite television shows or movies in your classes? Why do you find these helpful tools?
  • Do you have any favorite songs that you bring into your classroom? How have students responded to your music? Why do you bring in these pieces?

Pop culture, really? You want to hear how to use pop culture from…

Me?” – James T. Kirk

Well then sit back and get ready to hear about it.

“What’s happening, hot stuff?” – Long Duck Dong

See I believe that technology is always changing and…

“If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

I like to incorporate pop culture to make connections to (hopefully) references people understand. Technology, for many is like a foreign film, but if I can create the subtitles (through pop culture references) that people need to understand it, then it makes my job a little easier. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I feel like, “Anyone, anyone” – teacher [played by Ben Stein] from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. For instance, when I introduced Padlet to staff I started by showing this commercial which was quite popular, at the time, and asked if anyone ever heard about the tool and how it worked.

I also like to include pop culture references in my blog posts. Here is a link to some posts I have done with, in my opinion, the biggest pop culture movie(s) referenced ever!

Now, I can’t end this post without giving you some tech nugget, so here it is: GIFit! If you read my previous post on free tech tools, then you would be familiar with this tool. Quick and easy way to take a YouTube video and make it a .gif image.

Now the closing, if you didn’t get all the pop culture references from the .gifs above then all I have to say is…

“No soup for you! Come back in one year!” – Soup Nazi

Do you incorporate Pop Culture references? I would love to read about that in the comments below.

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