Category: Breakout EDU

Sign-up for Engaging Summer PD

In less than two months, I’ll be participating in the 4th Annual ThingLink Summer Teacher Challenge. Over the past four summers, I’ve learned various ways to incorporate ThingLink into my instructional approaches, been amazed at what fellow educators around the…

Give It Away Now!… #EdublogsClub

This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and educational technology enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it (via social media w/ #edublogsclub or posting a link…

An Add-ons Extravaganza!!!

***Update3*** Had to add another column (fixing the formula to make sure it places the edit Form URL in the correct column) called: “IF Condition” We discovered that formMule ran faster than the script to insert the URL. Now that…