Apple Distinguished Educator Program Submission…

…Or Hoping Third Time is the Charm.

This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and educational technology enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it (via social media w/ #edublogsclub or posting a link as a comment to that topic’s posting on the Edublogger site) to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt. 

We have made it through to the 10th week of the year!

And we thought that this might be a great time to spend some time to catch up, reflect, or finish that post you’ve been wanting to publish but haven’t gotten around to.

So here is the plan, this week choose one or more of the following:

  • Go back through the first 9 topics and publish a post on any that you may have missed.
  • Write a post reflecting on your experience blogging so far. What have you learned? How has it gone?
  • Spend some time publishing a post on any topic at all. Your choice!

I applied back in February (Deadline was the 15th) and haven’t had a chance to share here. This week’s #EdublogsClub Prompt gave me the chance to get back to this draft…

I ThingLink(ed) my submission video and tagged it up with links to other items referenced in the video. Fingers crossed, there is no listed timeline of when I should hear if I have been accepted.

Have you ever applied more than once for something? I would love to read about your experience in the comments below.


Well, third time is not the charm in my case. Here’s what I received on April 3rd in my email. Your ADE Application 2017 The next opportunity would be in two years. Not sure if I will attempt a fourth try… Thoughts?

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