In my district, we have a school which is just fifth grade. Each year, during Computer Science Education Week, they celebrate an entire day devoted to coding called Code Day. I was asked to be a guest speaker since I’m…
Category: Add-ons
My building’s Instructional Supervisor came to me recently with a challenge. They are using a Google Form to submit necessary information, when the nurse is notified a student needs to quarantine. The information is placed in a Sheet for all…
The 5C’s Club
Session at NJECC 2021
I presented at my first virtual conference this year! The New Jersey Educational Computing Cooperative (NJECC) 2021 Conference was held March 9th & 10th through the EventED platform. It was different, for me, since I couldn’t see or hear any…
One of My First Chances to Contribute…
This school year (2020-2021, yes during a pandemic), I started in a new district as a Technology Facilitator (TF). We began the year remote and were supporting not only the teachers/staff & students but also parents. One of the ways…