Sometimes our students cannot travel or experience different places, that’s where teachers need to try and offer ways of sharing those locations with them.
Enter ThingLink 360°/VR
Images and videos which enable an immersive experience are just starting to take shape in education. ThingLink has recently developed an editor tool to explore this new reality. Users will be able to tag images with videos, pictures, audio, links, embedded materials, etc. I will be participating in an Interactive 360°/VR Image Slam on Thursday, June 2nd starting at 8pm EST. Find out more about the webinar at these blog posts: ThingLink Edu Blog, Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners, or Learn Moore Stuff.
Here is a preview of what I will be sharing:
A couple of my 7th-grade science teachers are piloting an activity where their students plan and implement their own field research at a local nature preserve. They wanted the students to have an idea of what they will see while there, and this gave me the opportunity to try out ThingLink 360°/VR
Also, there will be a Summer Challenge which will allow educators a chance to try the editor with fellow ThingLink teachers in targeted activities so we can all learn together how to incorporate this powerful tool into teaching/learning. The challenge will kick off at ISTE starting on June 26th, you can sign up for it here.
Where would you take your students? Please share in the comments below.