Category: Google

Facebook Inspired an Activity

If you are on Facebook, maybe you have seen this… It’s slowly making the rounds trying to get responses. Well, there are multiple ways of answering this problem and it could be interesting to see which method people employ. This…

More With Forms, Sheets, & Add-ons…

I’ve had my mind on Forms a lot lately. Assisted a teacher with setting up Parent/Teacher conferences using Forms, Choice Eliminator add-on, and confirmation emails using formMule add-on. Then I joined an 8th Grade Team meeting. Prior to the agenda…

Google Tone

One of my new favorite tools for Chrome is Google Tone! My district invested in Hapara which allowed our teachers in our 1:1 Chromebook program the ability to manage the devices while in the classroom.  One of the features I…

My Recent Playing w/ Forms

This past week, I read a post from Mr. Clay Reisler (iPaddiction) on creating custom banners and password protecting forms. This had me start playing around with Google Forms more. I love having the ability to customize items, so being…