Thinglink Project in 3rd Grade

Recently, Thinglink has started to provide resources for educators. They now have a teacher account which can create linked student accounts. Thinglink generates usernames and passwords for the students. They can use the web or app version to create their interactive posters. I found the app version to be less distractive for the students, but there were a few items I wished the app had. First, you could not open and edit an image. Which meant students who didn’t complete their poster in the time period had to exit the app and hope it isn’t closed completely and their progress lost. Second, you couldn’t add a thinglink to a channel. Channels are a stream of interactive posters, this makes it easy for the teacher to collect all images in one place. Finally, there is no way within the app to change the touch icons; this wasn’t a big deal, but variety would be nice. Here is an example I made with the students watching to see how to create one:

The students researched their own planet. They were required to add another image with caption, other than the background poster. They needed a website with caption, text, and a video if they wanted. Their interactive poster’s URL was turned into a QR Code and hung up in the school.

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