Updating My School’s Breakout EDU Sign-out…

Back in 2017, while in another school district, I was asked to help create a digital way to sign-out a Breakout EDU kit(s). I wrote about that and unfortunately, when I left that district to come to my current district, some of the documents were removed and I no longer have access to them (as well as they no longer embed in the previous post). My current district has Breakout EDU kits and so I have updated/improved the way to sign them out and thought I should do a new post about the process.

This time around, I created a Google Site where my teachers can access a calendar (to see if any kits are signed out on the day they want to use them) and a Google Form to request the kit(s). The Google Form is broken into two parts, the first part is an initial request to reserve a specific number of kits. Then they are asked if they know the codes for the game. If they do, they are taken to the second part of the Form where they can fill that out for me. If they don’t currently know, they are able to submit the request. Either way, an email is generated to them with the information collected. If they marked that they do not know the codes, a link back to their Form is included so they can edit and resubmit later. I have an Apps Script established on the Google Sheet to pull that URL link and include it in a particular column. I have several Google Sheet Add-Ons running as well: Copy Down, Event-o-Matic, & Autocrat.

Here are some of the items I’ve also updated and a resource I share with teachers:

If you have Breakout EDU Kits, how do you manage teachers signing them out? I would love to learn/read about it in the comments below.

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