Category: ThingLink


One of my goals this year is to get into sketchnoting. This is the concept of recording notes in a visual way to make them engaging as well as connecting key concepts with easy to understand images. I consider myself a visual…

2015 Take Apart Day

***I posted about this topic on my district’s blog: WW-P 1to1 Learning*** I had the pleasure of getting a Post-it Note from Dr. Rebecca McLelland-Crawley, one Friday morning. “11am, STEAM room, Take Apart Day, be there!” Now that sounds enticing!…

Creating a Twitter Chat

Twitter chats can be a great way to gain many tried & true ideas in a short amount of time. Hashtags make it quite easy to follow a conversation online. In the past, I have participated in some established chats:…

Take a Road Trip using a Green Screen

After some students completed a Social Studies unit on the Northeast Region of the United States, the classroom teacher and I wanted them to pick five locations to “visit”.  Using a few apps: Comic Life, Green Screen, LayerPic HD, and…

ThingLink Webinars

Lately I have been involved with ThingLink Webinars.  This is a great way for educators to hear from other educators how they have been using ThingLink.  It’s human nature to be problem solvers and tinkerers, but sometimes we need a…

A Heritage Project Idea

This was originally posted on the ThingLink Blog For the last several weeks, I have been working with third grade teachers and their students on their heritage project. As part of their social studies curriculum, the students researched their family’s…

App Resource Idea!

After using my new favorite tool, ThingLink, several times this summer (as you can/did read in a different post: ThingLink Teacher Challenge); I came up with an idea on how to use it with my iPad teachers. I am asked…