Category: Google

Google Forms Quizzes… My Smashed Example

I love what Google Forms, Sheets, and some extras (Add-ons & Extensions) can provide in terms of assessment, immediate feedback, badging, sharing of resources, timely communication… the list goes on. ***NOTE: From Google Form submissions I’ve received, this Form utilizes…

FREE Learning Opportunity This Summer w/ Me

Over the last 3 years, I’ve been stationed in a middle school as their Teacher Resource Specialist for Technology (technology coach). One way I have offered learning opportunities is by creating ‘Assignments’ in our school’s Google Classroom. These activities are…

Next Step in my Scripting Journey…

Back in November, I wrote a post on dabbling with Google Apps Script to create an Unconference Board with specifically formatted session Google Docs. Well fast forward about half a school year and another event came up that needed a…

A HyperDoc About HyperDocs

Much like in the Seinfeld episode above, my colleague, Stacey, and I had the idea to introduce teachers to HyperDocs by having them complete a HyperDoc on HyperDocs. This way they are authentically going through learning and doing each component.…

NJAGC’s Annual Conference

The New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC) held their annual conference this past March at the Conference Center at Mercer. While I am not a member of the organization, my classroom-mate, Rebecca McLelland-Crawley, is and asked if I would…

Time to Make Amends…

At some point in time, everyone needs to take back something they have said. Today is one of those times for me on this blog. I wrote a post in May of last year offering a recommendation for an extension…

A Google Slides Hack…

I was asked recently by a colleague, Stacey Lindes if it was possible to link to a specific slide in a Google Slides presentation. After a little thinking, this is what I came up with. ***Note: I truly cannot recall…